In February 2017 we held a series of workshops with SICAP Programme Implementers and reps from Local Community Development Committees on implementing an ethnic identifier in SICAP are kicking off in Dublin.
This work follows on from an event in May 2016 whereby Pavee Point was asked to produce support and guidance material to assist frontline SICAP and LCDC staff in this work.
We produced Good Practice Guidelines and user information leaflet. In producing this material we consulted Programme Implementers and organisations representing Travellers, Roma, other minority ethnic groups and new communities.
The overall aim of these attractive and dynamic resources is to provide practical guidance and information about collecting ethnic data in a human rights compliant manner.
It is hoped workshop participants will gain greater understanding of
· the value and sensitivities of ethnic data collection
· good practice approaches
· skills for implementing, monitoring and evaluating ethnic data in accordance with human rights standards

Social Inclusion Coordinator
New Communities Partnership