What’s it like being young Roma and LGBT?
“Although we are two barely educated Roma women living in quite bad conditions, we dared to ask to be recognised as a same-sex family and, when resettled, to be granted one social housing unit where we will be living together.”(Maria, 28, Serbia)
You can read the life story of Maria and other young LGBT Roma in “Barabaripen. Young Roma speak about multiple discrimination”. Many young Roma are affected by multiple discrimination because of their ethnicity and other grounds such as social status, sexual orientation or gender identity, gender or migrant status. Barabaripen includes life stories of nine young Roma, and an analysis of the mechanisms of discrimination and the strategies that young people use in order to tackle it.
The publication is also an awareness-raising and educational tool with proposals for educational activities with youth using the life stories and background materials. The booklet is published by the Youth Department of the Council of Europe as part of the Roma Youth Action Plan, the SOGI unit cooperated with the publication.
You can download a pdf version of Barabaripen here: