There was a full house at this year’s Traveller Pride Awards at the Pillar Room, the Rotunda today (1st June) as people travelled from all over the country to attend. Two of the awards went to Cork, one to Kerry, two to Galway, one each to Clare and Meath and the MC for the event was RTE Radio One presenter John Murray.
Spring Lane Halting Site Community won the Community Award for the work it started 3 years ago in campaigning for better living conditions at what is one of the worst serviced sites in the country. TJ Hogan from Cork won the Education Award for not only his own academic achievements but for the outreach work he does to encourage young Travellers to complete their formal education.

The Enterprise Award was presented by CEO of Social Enterprise Ireland, Darren Ryan and went to the Skibbereen Boys Action Group – a group of 5 lads who got together to make various products including a flat pack miniature barrel top wagon. Before you ring up looking for them – they’re sold out.
Finbar Furey warmed up the crowd for the Music Award. He spoke of his youth going to fairs from the family’s base in Dublin and of the Traveller skills he witnessed in craft making and in Travellers’ adaptability. ‘Songstories Pavee Ceoil’n Ennis won the Music Award for their work in songwriting and performance.

We heard from John Murray that Mary Kate Nevin (16) from Navan is the only Traveller to have won a Girl Guide Gold Award which is very prestigious as Girl Guide leader Senator Jillian Van Turnhout explained when presenting the Award.
Actor John Connors presented the Arts Culture Award saying more Travellers needed to get involved in the Arts and he also encouraged more Travellers to become politically active. The Traveller Primary Health Care Team in Cavan won this award for the work they did creating a photographic exhibition to promote positive mental health – showing what powerful tools the visual arts, literature and music are in influencing how people think.

Twelve-year-old Mikey Kelly from Galway was presented the Sports Award by Dublin footballer Jack McCaffrey. Mikey holds four world medals in handball and was nearly bowled over himself when he won the overall Traveller Pride Award. That young man has a great future.

The recently appointed Minister of State for Equality and Justice, David Stanton said that he himself was ‘blown away’ by the calibre of the Awards. He voiced his support for the recognition of Traveller ethnicity and thanked Travellers for their contributions so far to the National Traveller and Roma Inclusion Strategy. He also said he was committed to improving Traveller accommodation and looks forward to looking with Traveller organisations in this regard.