Traveller, Gardai and the Courts in Ireland – research

How do Travellers feel about the Gardaí and the courts in Ireland? A team of Traveller/Mincéir/Pavee researchers, working with staff at the University of Limerick, are collecting information about our views on the gardaí and the courts. Pavee Point is also supporting this research.

What they find will provide evidence to the Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission about Travellers’ relationships with the Gardaí and courts in Ireland.

Missie Collins and Garda Commissioner Drew Harris in 2019

We need Travellers/Mincéirs/Pavees to tell us their views, good and bad. This research is open to all Travellers aged 18 and over. You don’t have to have to have had direct experience with the gardaí or the courts – we want to hear the views of all Travellers on these institutions.

If you do have experiences with the Gardaí and the courts, we would welcome the chance to ask you about them, but you don’t have to talk about your experiences if you don’t want to.

If you talk to us, we will NOT share any of your personal information, like your name, with anyone. This means that no-one will be able to tell that you talked to us. If you would like to talk to us, or if you would like to find out more before you decide to take part, you can contact us on these numbers:

Sindy Joyce 086-0837992

Margaret O’Brien 086-0138840

Olive O’Reilly 086-0837995

David Joyce 086-1027227

Amanda Haynes 086-0837991

Jennifer Schweppe 086-0837989