Today 16 May We Celebrate Romani Resistance Day

Gabi Mutean, Community Development Worker talks about Roma Resistance Day

“We commemorate the uprisings at the Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp of Roma prisoners.  The SS came to the Gypsy Camp to send all the prisoners to the gas chamber .

“The Roma prisoners armed themselves with stones and tools and barricaded themselves in the barracks so that the SS could not exterminate them on that day. 

“I am thinking how much of courage those people had –  how brave they werw,  to fight against guards and to defend them and their families. This is why we always have to remember them.

Although the revolt was unsuccessful the Gypsy Camp was destroyed and 2900 Roma people were killed on the 2nd of August 1944 – we take courage from their actions.

We will always remember them. During COVID19 we also think of the loss and suffering in our community and work together for a better day.”

Photos from United States Holocaust Memorial Museum