Tender for Music Organisation

Pavee Point Traveller and Roma Centre is looking for a music organisation to run a series of classes and workshops over a period of 3 months for young Travellers in Galway. The aim of the project is to develop a group that will allow young Travellers to participate in the mainstream cultural scene in Ireland. 

Candidates must demonstrate that their organisation has resources to provide:

– Staff and tutor

– Youth workers

– Specialist Traveller musicians/tutors

– Space for classes

– Instruments

– Child protection policies and Garda vetting

For any enquiries please contact janos.lang@pavee.ie

To apply please send a letter to janos.lang@pavee.ie explaining how your organisation would be best suited to deliver on the project. 

This project is funded by ERGO Network – the European Roma Grassroots Organisations Network and is in collaboration with Galway Traveller Movement.