The Taoiseach Enda Kenny, TD presented Travellers from the Carrickmines area and surrounds with certificates for their achievements in training and education this week.
Co-Ordinator of South Side Travellers Action Group (STAG), Geraldine Dunne, who organised the event took the opportunity to address the Taoiseach directly on Traveller ethnicity on Thursday 17th of November. STAG are the local Traveller organisation for DunLaoghaire/Rathdown which includes the Carrickmines area.

“In the run-up to today and the announcement of your joining us to present our awards, I have been asked by some of the Traveller and settled community why we would award a platform for you to join us in our celebration, given the past history of our Government’s inaction and lack of support recognising Traveller ethnicity.
“I have thought about that question Taoiseach and I have had conversations with my colleagues and community members in the last numbers of days in relation to it.
“I can only state the facts: you are our Taoiseach and you have the responsibility and a duty of care to the 40,000 Travellers on this island as well as to the rest of the Irish population.
“Despite the past decades of Government inaction, despite legislation and policies which have led to little or no change in enhancing Travellers’ lives or including them in society, I like to believe that you,Taoiseach, will support and enforce positive change, will support the ethnicity campaign and other policies for Travellers in the future. I believe, Taoiseach, that today is a positive engagement and I hope we can continue to engage and work together on future issues that effect Travellers.

“So I feel you are the perfect person to have here with us today: if there is one thing I would like you to leave here with today it is a change of heart and a commitment that you will sincerely work with your cabinet and colleagues to recognise Traveller ethnicity.”