Breaking the Barriers- Discrimination against Roma women and Roma LGBT

Breaking the Barriers- Discrimination Against Roma Women and Roma LGBT Pavee Point attended a transnational workshop on discrimination against Roma and Travellers in Helsinki, Finland, on 2-3 December. Breaking the Barriers workshop brought together Roma and non-Roma civil society activists and local, regional and national authorities from all over Europe. The workshop presented good practice models […]

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Realisation of Traveller and Roma Womens’ Rights

Pavee Point Traveller and Roma Centre and The Centre for Global Women’s Studies (National University of Ireland, Galway) hosted a discussion of Traveller and Romani women’s rights in Pavee Point on 22 Oct.  We were delighted to welcome Crina Morteanu, a feminist activist and Rosaleen McDonagh, Traveller Playwright, to discuss Traveller and Romani women’s rights […]

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Further Cutbacks to Vital Sexual Violence Services

One in five women have experienced sexual assault during their adulthood. Last month, the Mid-West Rape Crisis centre was forced to temporarily close its doors due to further funding cuts. This is regardless of a record level of demand for the service over the past years. Pavee Point is concerned about the continuous funding cuts […]

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