Archive Project On View National Heritage Week August 12 – 20

Looking through our filing cabinets archivist Chloe Stapleton from Arcline re-discovered a collection of letters, photos and a journal put together by a worker for the Legion of Mary in the Dundalk/Monaghan region from the 1950s to 1980s.  

The photos date from as early as 1949 and are accompanied by details of the religious instruction received by Travellers and also copies of birth and baptismal certs.  Photos show religious occasions such as communions and marriages.

This archiving project, supported by the Heritage Council, is vital to Pavee Point being able to store these items properly and making them available to the community.

The Arcline archivist will be with us until the end of September surveying our collection and helping us to develop our collections policy.

Visit Us During National Heritage Week

You can come and see what else we have uncovered during National Heritage  Week  12 – 20 August. We are also delighted to host a workshop on CANT – the Traveller language – with Oein de Bharduin on Thursday 17th August at 10.30am.  If you’d like to attend the workshop please email