Rise of the Far Right in European Parliament

With results of local and European elections still coming through, it’s hard to know what outcomes will emerge from the shifts in local politics in Ireland. Pavee Point last week welcomed the resignation of Council candidate Cathal O Reilly, following revelations about anti Travellers comments made by him on Facebook. However, we are disappointed that Fine Gael have not yet taken action regarding an official complaint about three of its candidates in the Dublin area, Josepha Madigan, Emer Higgins and John Bailey. All three candidates were elected this past weekend.

Internationally, there is a worrying trend which has now cemented itself as a concern across Europe. Over 130 MEPS in the next European Parliament can be qualified as far right politicians, among them neo nazis and extremists who have in the past expressed hatred about Roma in Europe. These politicians are large enough in number to impact on policy in the next five years. 

On a positive note, two Roma have been elected to the European Parliament in the past few days. Soraya Post, a Swedish Roma representing Sweden’s Feminist Initiative has taken the party’s first seat in Europe.

A second Roma activist, Damian Draghici of Romania was elected for the Social Democrats.

See the following links for more.

Ukip wins European elections with ease to set off political earthquake, The Guardian, May 26th 2014

Marine Le Pen’s confidence vindicated by Front National election triumph, The Guardian, May 26th, 2014

Hungary’s Fidesz wins European poll, Jobbik stalls, Reuters, May 25th 2014

Greece’s Golden Dawn to enter EU Parliament for first time, The Telegraph, May 25th, 2014