#ResourceRebuildReform Mental Health Services

Pavee Point was very happy to support Mental Health Reform Budget 2022 campaign for €85 million investment in mental health services. MHF are calling for €20 million to maintain existing services and €65 million to develop new services that will drive change in the system.

As Mental Health Reform members, Pavee Point is saying that investment is needed in the Community and Voluntary Sector to help shape services that meet the needs of different communities. And we need investment in Primary Health Care – including Traveller Health Units – to progress equality of access, participation and outcomes for Travellers in mainstream mental health services.

For information on what you can do to support this campaign go to – https://www.mentalhealthreform.ie/mental-health-budget/

Caption – Pa Reilly, Mental Health Worker, Pavee Point with Fiona Coyle, CEO, Mental Health Reform outside Dáil Eireann. Picture Conor McCabe Photography.