This morning the Children’s Rights Alliance (CRA) published their annual report card which grades the Government on whether it delivered on its commitment in the now completed Programme for Government. The Government received a C+ in Traveller and Roma Education, an increase from D+ in 2024.
Speaking at the launch of the Report Card 2025 this morning, Geraldine McDonnell, Mental Health Worker, Pavee Point, said, “For me, going back to education and completing a degree in Community and Youth Work last year highlighted the barriers and struggles myself and other Travellers and Roma experience in the education system. Racism and discrimination still happen at all levels and this needs to end. The experience of Traveller girls and women needs particular targeted measures to support access, participation and outcomes. ”
“We welcome the report card and the progress made by the Government regarding Traveller and Roma education, namely the publication of the long-awaited Traveller and Roma Education Strategy (TRES) last year. Going forward, this Strategy must not sit on the shelf; it needs to be resourced and implemented. This requires political will and we look forward to working with the new Ministers on this,” Ms McDonnell said.
The previous Programme for Government committed to undertaking an independent assessment of the pilot projects aimed at retaining Traveller and Roma children in education. This independent evaluation of Supporting Traveller and Roma pilot projects (STAR) was published in January 2025 and detailed improvements and positive outcomes for young Travellers and Roma who participated in the pilot with key learnings to be applied across the wider education system and communities. Furthermore, the Traveller and Roma Education Strategy (TRES) and associated action plan were published last year.
Report Card 2025 also notes the impact poor accommodation and poverty among Traveller and Roma children have on education attainment. The report card’s grading on accommodation specifically listed the Government’s failings in the provision of Traveller accommodation. One of its key recommendations under the accommodation section is to expedite establishment of the National Traveller Accommodation Authority recommended by the Expert Group on Traveller Accommodation.
Worryingly, Children in Adult Psychiatric Facilities, once again receives an ‘E’ grade, for the fourth year in a row. Waiting lists for Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services have skyrocketed, with 3,830 children awaiting a first appointment.
“We know that mental health is at a crisis point in our community. Traveller parents around the country watch our children struggle everyday with poor mental health, many of whom have died by suicide. We feel frustrated at the lack of action by the Government to seriously tackle this.” said Ms McDonnell.
Mental health services for children and young people need to be increased and implemented. Pavee Point welcomes commitments in the new Programme for Government to implement the National Traveller Health Action Plan and deliver culturally appropriate mental health supports for young Travellers and Roma.
Read the press release from the CRA here.
Read the full 2025 Report Card.