Pavee Point welcomes Council of Europe Report on Travellers and Roma

Thursday, 27th February, 2025, Pavee Point Traveller and Roma Centre welcomes a report from the Council of Europe published today which outlines areas of improvement for the Irish Government to act to further progress the social and economic situation of Travellers and Roma. The Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities (FCNM) report notes that although Irish society continues to demonstrate respect for diversity; this often does not extend to Travellers and Roma who still suffer racism, discrimination and systemic racism.

“This is a wide-ranging and insightful report that highlights areas the Irish Government needs to improve to make sure Travellers and Roma are included and respected in Irish society,” said Martin Collins, Co-Director, Pavee Point.“We urge political leaders to act on this report to promote respect for diversity among all citizens.”

In recent years, the State has delivered on a number of positive policy commitments and developments which Pavee Point has long called for in health, accommodation and inclusion, yet the report suggests that unless these policies receive funding, are implemented and structural racism is addressed; the day-to-day reality for Travellers and Roma on the ground will not change.

“Similarly to the last report, published almost six years ago, there is concern regarding the provision of Traveller and Roma accommodation. There has been a significant reduction in Traveller Accommodation Budgets, trespass legislation has not been repealed and there are insufficient transient sites, despite recommendations from the Independent Expert Review Report on Traveller Accommodation.” said Mr Collins. “The FCNM report recommends providing culturally appropriate accommodation and including Travellers in the design and implementation of projects.”

The report recommends adequately funding and implementing the National Traveller Health Action Plan. “Pavee Point was disheartened to see no additional funding for Traveller Health in Budget 2025 especially given the Department of Health’s announcement of “a record” €25.8 billion health budget.” said Lynsey Kavanagh, Co-Director, Pavee Point.

Education and Employment
The report acknowledges the recently-published Traveller and Roma Education Strategy and the need to work within its framework to address Traveller and Roma educational disadvantage.
“Going forward, this Traveller and Roma Education Strategy must not sit on the shelf; it needs to be funded and implemented. Additionally, the report highlights the Government’s plans to create an employment Strategy for Travellers and Roma. This needs to be expedited. Currently circa 60% of Travellers are unemployed. Many Roma in Ireland face precarious working conditions – not being paid properly, precarious hours, and risking injury where safety protocols weren’t followed. Travellers and Roma need pathways to safe, decent and fulfilling employment.”

Speaking about the importance placed by the report on gathering Ethnic Equality Data, Lynsey Kavanagh, Co-Director, Pavee Point, said, “Pavee Point has lobbied for many years for all state departments and public administration to gather ethnic data. Having quality ethnic data makes the Traveller and Roma experience visible, promotes equality and counters discrimination. It helps highlight the gaps in participation and outcomes in all areas for both communities.”

“We ask the Government to follow the report’s recommendations to introduce a standardised ethnic identifier and to expedite the National Equality Data Strategy.” Ms Kavanagh added.

It is important that these issues experienced by Travellers and Roma in Ireland are recognised internationally by the Council of Europe. Pavee Point also welcomes the Government’s acknowledgement of the report and looks forward to working with them to ensure policies in place are implemented.

The Fifth Opinion on Ireland of the Council of Europe Advisory Committee on the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities has been published today together with the government comments