Pavee Point signed up to the Healthy Ireland Network Charter. This Network was launched thanks to the work of the Health Ireland Council, who in 2016, identified ‘health and wellbeing’ as a priority for the country in the next 100 years.
This new Network will help provide a platform for organisations to connect with others, communication about what they are doing and contribute to actively bringing Health Ireland to life across the country.
In helping to launch the Network, Simon Harris TD, Minister for Health, said all parts of society need to be involved for health and wellbeing policies to have maximum impact and to reduce health inequalities.
Irish Travellers experience a much lower health status than the general population with a morality rate that is 15 years higher for men and a suicide rate that is 6 times the national average.
Healthy Ireland Goals:
- Increase the proportion of people who are healthy at all stages of life
- Reduce health inequalities
- Protect the public from threats to health and wellbeing
- Create an environment where every individual and sector of society can play their part in achieving a healthy Ireland
Purpose of the Health Ireland Network:
- To establish and grow an empowering national movement that treats health and wellbeing as an individual and collective responsibility
- To support and advocate for the goals and vision of Healthy Ireland
- To ensure the Health Ireland Message is spread, understood, and acted on throughout Ireland
Values of the Healthy Ireland Network:
- Inclusive. We commit to reaching and representing all groups in society
- Empowering. We commit to working to empower individuals and communities to achieve and maintain their optimal health and well being.
- Collaborative. We commit to engaging in and promoting partnerships that will work to achieve the Healthy Ireland vision and goals.
- Evidence-based. We commit to using evidence-based approaches to help us achieve and sustain a healthy Ireland.
- Transparent. We commit to operating the Network in an accountable and transparent manner.