Pavee Point Hosts the Third Traveller & Roma Education Strategy Consultation  

Pavee Point Traveller and Roma Centre were delighted to host the third in a series of six Traveller and Roma Education Strategy Consultations currently taking place around the country. The consultation today was focused on Roma Education. The consultation events propose to capture participants’ views on:

–  the ambition required for the Traveller and Roma education strategy;

–  the priority issues to be addressed by the strategy; and

–  the priority actions that should be included to address these issues

Yesterday, Pavee Point hosted the second consultation in the series, a Traveller consultation. The consultations are being held to inform the development of a Traveller and Roma Education Strategy (TRES): four with Travellers and Traveller organisations and two with Roma and Roma organisations. More information can be found here.
Photos by © Tommy Clancy Photography; All rights reserved.