Pavee Point appalled at exploitation of vulnerable people

Pavee Point Traveller & Roma Centre welcomes today’s sentencing of members of the Rooney family, Lincolnshire on charges relating to modern slavery and fraud.

As previously stated we are appalled at this situation and unequivocally condemn the despicable exploitation of vulnerable human beings as highlighted in this case.

“The people involved in this exploitation are devoid of all humanity,” said Martin Collins, Pavee Point Co Director.

We would like to offer our sympathies to the 18 victims in this case and urge people to contact the police if they have any information in relation to this type of exploitation.

“We hope this case won’t be used as a stick to beat Travellers with as Travellers are appalled and sickened at this case,” added Mr. Collins.

Cruelty and criminality is not something that is exclusive to any one ethnic group – but rather something that, regrettably, exists among all ethnic groups.