Oireachtas Committee on Domestic and Sexual Violence

Pavee Point attended a meeting with the Joint Oireachtas Committee on Justice, Defence and Equality on 26 February to discuss the shortcomings of Irish legislation in protecting vulnerable Roma and Traveller women from domestic and sexual violence.

The presentation highlighted how the persistent marginalisation of Traveller and Roma women makes women vulnerable to abuse and creates significant barriers to accessing services and protections. The current policy and legislation leaves little choice for Traveller and Roma women but to stay in violent relationships and situations, or face homelessness, destitution and social isolation.

Pavee Point responded to specific questions in relation to the impact of the Habitual Residence Condition on Traveller and Roma women in seeking help and protection, as well as how the development and implementation of an adequate National Traveller Roma Integration Strategy could help increasing the protection of Traveller and Roma women from domestic and sexual violence. The signing and ratification of the Council of Europe Convention on preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence was also highlighted as a core tool to protect women from domestic and sexual violence.