“Don’t be a fool like I was – and not go to your breast check appointment,” said Sheila Reilly, Traveller Community Health Worker and breast cancer survivor at today’s launch of Pavee Point’s new breast cancer resources. ‘Don’t put it off – get checked out,” she said.

The earlier breast cancer is found the easier it is to treat and today’s event was to help ensure women carry out breast checks on a regular basis at home.
The handy breast check card gives you 5 steps to carry out a breast check and contact details of where to go for help. By keeping the card in your wallet or purse – you can remind yourself of carrying out regular checks.

An accompanying leaflet gives information on breast cancer in an easy to read format. These resources have been proofed by Travellers and have informative pictures which mean you can follow the information without having literacy skills.
At the event Traveller women lit candles to remember those who have died of cancer and also as a signal of hope for the future.

©Photo by Derek Speirs

One in five women below the age of 50 will get breast cancer. Many women who are diagnosed with breast cancer in Ireland, are successfully treated and go on to live full lives.
These resources were produced with the support of the Marie Keating foundation and the Traveller Health Unit in the Eastern Region.