Plain English Award 2019

Pavee Point received two ‘plain English’  awards this week for our maternal health initiative – Pavee Mothers, awarded by the National Adult Literacy Agency (NALA).

Our booklet Pavee Mothers was awarded 2nd place out of 70 nominations in the Best Use of Plain English by an Organisation category .

Our website  received a “highly commended” award for the use of Plain English in the digital world.

Pavee Mothers was made by Traveller women for Traveller women with information to support mothers-to-be during and after pregnancy.

MaryBrigid Collins receives the Plain English Award for Pavee Mothers.

Traveller mothers-to-be face the harshest pregnancy and birth statistics in Ireland:

 Higher rates of pregnancy loss
 Higher rates of premature births
 Lower birth weights
 Infant mortality rate that is 3.5 times the national rate

“Traveller women using maternity services are not actually getting the proper
information we need and can understand,” said Mary Brigid Collins.  “These resources aim to bridge that gap.
It’s not dependent on being literate. Big words and technical terms are explained.”

Other winners of NALA Plain English Awards