Mervyn Taylor, RIP

Pavee Point Traveller & Roma Centre would like to express our condolences to the family of Mervyn Taylor RIP and to acknowledge the trojan work of Mervyn Taylor in helping to bring in a new culture of equality and equality based rights in Ireland. 

In the area of Traveller rights Mervyn Taylor as, Minister for Equality and Law Reform (1993-1994) (1994-1997), established the Task Force on Travellers which was the first time Traveller organisations were included in policy making on Travellers.  This process significantly progressed interculturalism in Ireland with the Task Force Report in 1995 and set the tone for work with Travellers since then.

His work also resulted in groundbreaking equality legislation including the Employment Equality Act 1998 and the Equal Status Act 2000.  

Our thoughts are with his family and his community at this time.