Lynsey Kavanagh appointed Co Director, Pavee Point

Pavee Point Traveller and Roma Centre is delighted to announce that Lynsey Kavanagh will be taking up her position as Co-Director from February 20th 2023. 

Lynsey Kavanagh ©Photo by Derek Speirs

Since joining Pavee Point in 2014, as well as undertaking a varied range of duties in our nationally and internationally recognised Traveller Health Programme, Lynsey completed her PhD with an important study on Traveller health inequalities, focusing on Traveller women and perinatal health. Pavee Point’s Traveller health work has been acknowledged as providing key support and advocacy using a community development approach based on the social determinants of health. This included supporting the development and recent publication of the long-awaited National Traveller Health Action Plan which Lynsey, alongside Ronnie Fay, may she rest in peace, made important contributions to.

Lynsey also played a key role during COVID-19 in which Pavee Point’s policy and research initiatives were important for securing meaningful Traveller and Roma focused responses. In addition to work in the Health Programme, Lynsey has also led for the organisation on ethnic equality monitoring and disaggregated data, including national census work. She leads on Pavee Point’s research portfolio across a number of areas and coordinates our EU NTRIS monitoring project. 

While continuing to work on all of these areas, Lynsey now assumes overall leadership and oversight of Pavee Point’s work and strategy as Co-Director, alongside Martin Collins in what is a changing and challenging period, but one in which there are a number of possibilities. 

Prior to joining Pavee Point, Lynsey worked in the Department of Applied Social Studies in Maynooth University where she had previously completed undergraduate, masters and later PhD studies. During her earlier years in the USA, she was heavily involved in work with undocumented migrants and LGBTI issues.