Launch of Young Pavees ‘Mind Your Nuck’: A New Mental Health Website for Young Travellers

Launch of Young Pavees ‘Mind Your Nuck’ website by Minister for Mental Health & Older People, Mary Butler TD. Here L to R, Martina Queally, Chief Officer, CH East & Eastern Region, THU Chairperson, Winnie McDonagh, Traveller Primary Health Care worker, Minister Mary Butler TD, Patrick Reilly Eastern Region Traveller Health Unit and Linda Moore Head of Service, Mental Health, CH East HSE. Photo by Derek Speirs

Minister for Mental Health and Older People Mary Butler TD, launched the new Young Pavees ‘Mind Your Nuck’ website today. This innovative platform offers culturally appropriate information on many areas impacting on young Travellers’ mental health – racism, discrimination, drug issues and unemployment – and offers signposting to services.  

Launch of Young Pavees ‘Mind Your Nuck’ website by Minister for Mental Health & Older People, Mary Butler TD. Here with Minister Mary Butler TD, Cathy McCarthy, Sophia Ward and Chantel Ward from Offaly Traveller Movement. Photo by Derek Speirs

Pa Reilly, Pavee Point Mental Health Coordinator, chaired the event and welcomed the launch of a resource that “has been developed by Travellers for Travellers. It began as a piece of research from a number of years ago that showed that the issues impacting on young Traveller mental health are very different to non-Travellers.”

Launch of Young Pavees ‘Mind Your Nuck’ website by Minister for Mental Health & Older People, Mary Butler TD. Here Patrick Reilly, Eastern Region Traveller Health Unit speaking. Photo by Derek Speirs

Martina Queally, Chairperson of the Eastern Region Traveller Health Unit (THU) and HSE Chief Officer Community Healthcare East, acknowledged the unacceptable levels of poor mental and suicide amongst the Traveller Community and credited the work of the Mental Health Initiative & their effective approach in bridging the gap between Travellers and mainstream mental health services.

The resources are clear and provide information in way that is culturally appropriate. The website presents a clearly innovative solution to addressing Traveller mental health inequalities. It also will support implementation of key actions in the forthcoming National Traveller Health Action Plan (NTHAP) – Martin Queally

Launch of Young Pavees ‘Mind Your Nuck’ website by Minister for Mental Health & Older People, Mary Butler TD. Here Martina Queally, Chief Officer, CH East & Eastern Region, THU Chairperson. Photo by Derek Speirs

Minister Butler TD also noted the targeted way that Traveller health inequalities will be address through the implementation of the NTHAP. The website is just one tool to “provide a better understanding of mental health difficulties, reduce stigma and will, hopefully, enable Traveller families and the community to access the vital services needed.”

Videos highlighting how the Young Pavees Mind Your Nuck website can be used by both young Travellers and their families. These videos can be viewed here.

Also contributing to the event were Martin Collins (Co-Director of Pavee Point) and Linda Moore (Head of Service, Mental Health, HSE Community Healthcare East).

Launch of Young Pavees ‘Mind Your Nuck’ website by Minister for Mental Health & Older People, Mary Butler TD. A young Traveller looking at the website at the launch