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Home » News » International Overdose Awareness Day – Training for Drug Users
Pavee Point is part of a coalition of homelessness and drugs organisations that have come together to rollout nationwide Naloxone training as part of International Overdose Awareness Day 2018 (31st August).
The organisations – Merchants Quay Ireland, the Simon Communities of Ireland, Pavee Point, Novas, the Union for Improved Services, Communication and Education (UISCE), and the National Family Support Network – are encouraging people who use opioids to get trained in how to administer Naloxone.
“Pavee Point Drug & Alcohol Programme’s central focus is to support the inclusion of and develop responses to the needs of the Travelling community in relation to drug use,” said Corrine Doyle, Drug & Alcohol Coordinator, Pavee Point as part of a joint press release.
Full Press Release Here
“We understand the devastating effect that drug-related deaths (as any death) can have on both families and communities, especially from cocaine addiction. It is envisioned that International Overdose Awareness Day will continue to raises awareness on overdose with a focus on reducing stigma and providing information on preventative measures.
“Naloxone can save your life or the life of a loved one and we encourage anyone who is actively using drugs or their loved ones to be trained in using Naloxone.”
Ireland has the fourth highest rate of drug-related deaths in Europe, and a recent study of over 400 Irish opioid users found that just over half were aware of Naloxone.
What is Naloxone?
Naloxone, a product which can reverse the effects of an opioid overdose. Naloxone is a nasal spray administered to someone who is overdosing while waiting on an ambulance to arrive. Naloxone is not treatment but it can prevent unnecessary deaths giving people the opportunity of treatment and recovery.
Naloxone is available on prescription from your GP but can only be prescribed to the person using drugs; however they can bring a family member / loved one with them and get two naloxone products, meaning their family/ loved one has Naloxone to.
Regional Training
Naloxone can save your life or the life of a loved one and we encourage anyone who is actively using drugs or their loved ones to be trained in using Naloxone. This year, with the aim of reducing over doses and unnecessary deaths, the following training events will take place nationwide, training substance users (15 minutes training) in administering Naloxone and also providing access to an on-site GP for prescription.
Information on recognising the symptoms of an overdose:
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