International Day Against Racism 2020 –

Letter from our Chairperson, Anastasia Crickley:

Dear Friends,

At this very difficult time, as someone who has had the honour of working with a number of you, I want on today International Day against Racism – to salute the courage and commitment with which you’ve struggled in so many different ways to create conditions for a racism free world for all. 

I hope that courage and commitment will stand us all well as we work to control and eliminate the COVID-19 virus which has gripped our communities and countries.

While compliance with medical advice has to be paramount it’s essential also that the human rights and social justice concerns – including racism on purpose or in effect – remain key considerations in all responses. Today is a day that reminds us of this.

I wish you well with this work whatever your role or position – in community, civil society or anti-racist groups, or in the hard pressed state, local authority or medical sectors and whether you are resident or citizen, settled or Traveller or Roma, and whatever your gender or age or location.

And I hope you yourself and all that are dear to you can stay safe and well.

Anastasia Crickley

Chairperson Pavee Point Traveller & Roma Centre

Anastasia Crickley