Call for new Action Plan Against Racism on International Day Against Racism

Fifteen years ago the Durban Declaration stated the prime responsibility for combating racism lay with Governments. Today to mark International Day Against Racism Martin Collins calls for a new National Action Plan Against Racism.


For any plan against racism to work we need to know the situation for minority ethnic groups so that is why today we are highlighting the importance of Ethnic Data Collection – in a human rights context.

Martin launched our report today:  ‘Policy and Practice in Ethnic Data Collection and Monitoring’.  This report calls for support for Ethnic Data Collection and  Monitoring at the highest level – the ‘Senior Officials  Group on Social Inclusion’ which reports to the Cabinet Sub Committee on Social Inclusion.


This Senior Group should endorse the formation of a National Steering Committee to develop and drive a comprehensive Ethnic Equality Monitoring Strategy – in partnership with Travellers, Roma and other minority ethnic groups.

Public sector bodies should introduce anti-racism and cultural awareness training for  data collectors and there should be targeted recruitment of data collectors from minority ethnic groups.

A standard ethnic identifier should be introduced in routine administrative systems and the public should have access to the disaggregated data collected and these practices should be mainstreamed across all public sector bodies.

Seminar Today

At our seminar today Andrew Millard Equality Intelligence Manager with the NHS Scotland speaks of their experience in improving inclusion in their health systems thanks to Ethnic Data Collection and  Monitoring.  The seminar will also look at European and national policies in this area and include an Open Forum.

Read the report below.

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