Community Heart Day

Pavee Point’s Community Heart Garden Project celebrated reaching its 3 year target this week.  The garden was bursting with fruit and veg for the Community Heart Day that was shared with Traveller families in Finglas.

Hughie Collins and grandson Hughie Collins enjoying the fruits of the apple tree.
Martin Reilly with garlic.
Egg and Spoon.

The Community Heart Project has been a great way to engage, in particular, with Traveller men. Due to the project over 100 Traveller men availed of Irish Heart health checks for cardiovascular disease – a significant disease within the Traveller community.

The project not only featured the design and development of the garden near the Abigail Centre, Finglas but also included a variety of activities aimed at improving health including activities on nutrition and diet, fitness and mental health.   The project also had a significant educational element that was facilitated by the Finglas CDETB and saw some participants complete QQI horticultural and work experience modules.

Michael Collins, Pavee Point Community Heart Project with Jim Lynch from the Finglas Men’s Shed
Mary Collins with two of her grandchildren.

As the project draws to its 3 year close we look forward to working with Finglas Men’s Shed who are to be the new custodians of the garden.  This builds on a strong relationship already formed during the project which saw the Men’s Shed and the Traveller project work together.  We look forward to continuing this work and involving more Traveller men in the work of the garden on a voluntary basis.

Andy O Hara, Pavee Point says a few words.
Sprint races.

We would like to thank Irish Heart for their support of the project especially Maresa Damerty and Nicola Murphy,  the tutors and staff of CDETB Finglas, the staff of the Abigail Centre, Finglas  Larry Dooley of Dublin City Council and of course our many participants who contributed to the project over the 3 years.

Michael Collins with Liam Brereton from the Finglas Men’s Shed
Maresa Damerty, Irish Heart with Nurul Amin, Pavee Point.