Roma Culture Film for Roma Resistance Day – 16 May

Pavee Point is delighted to share today our documentary Romani Kultura: Roma Voices in Ireland to mark International Romani Resistance Day On 16 May we remember this date in 1944, when Roma prisoners in Auschwitz Concentration Camp rose up against the Nazi authorities saving some lives in a brave show of resistance and resilience. Today […]

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International Roma Day message from President Michael D. Higgins

The first World Romani Congress was held in London on 8th of April, 1971. It was the beginning of a European movement to lobby against the inequalities faced by Roma and Travellers. President of Ireland, Michael D. Higgins 50 years later sends a message of solidarity to all Travellers and Roma. President Higgins makes the […]

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Focus on Discrimination Against Roma in School Systems

Pavee Point’s Roma Programme highlighted key barriers to Roma education this week at a DCU webinar on empowering Roma in education. Jenny Liston Roma Programme Co Ordinator and Gabi Muntean, Roma Community Development Worker spoke about Racism and discrimination Experiences of poverty and poor living conditions Educational disadvantage across many generations “Pavee Point believes firmly […]

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Holocaust Memorial Day 2021

Gabi Muntean of Pavee Point’s Roma Programme spoke this week at the Holocaust Memorial Day event organised by the Holocaust Education Trust. The event was a live streamed and contained a mix of live and pre-recorded material recalling the atrocities of the Holocaust. Gabi spoke of the ghettoes of Jews, Roma, Communists and Homosexuals that […]

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Solidarity on International Traveller & Roma Day 2020

As we go through this Covid19/Coronavirus crisis, thank you for your show of solidarity with Travellers and Roma on Wednesday 8th of April – International Traveller & Roma Day. This crisis presents extra challenges for many Travellers and Roma who live in already vulnerable situations in cities and in rural settings around the country. Overcrowding […]

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Report Card 2020

The Irish Government was awarded a ‘D’ in terms of Traveller and Roma Children in Report Card 2020. As members of the Children’s Rights Alliance (CRA), Pavee Point echos the CRA call for the recommendations of the Independent Expert Group on Traveller Accommodation to be implemented Tanya Ward, Chief Executive, Children’s Rights Alliance – “The […]

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New National Roma Network

The National Roma Network was established on the 8th April 2019 by Pavee Point Traveller and Roma Centre.  It was agreed that the Network would be a joint initiative between the 20 organisations currently involved. The overall aim of the  Network is to improve the lives of Roma living in Ireland. The focus of the Network […]

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