Press Statement – Pavee Point shocked at Judges Racist Language

At a sitting of Tuam District Court, Judge Geoffrey Browne is reported describing burglars ‘Knackers’ and encouraging homeowners to use maximum force against them. Martin Collins of Pavee Point said “the use of the term ‘Knacker’ is extremely insulting to Travellers and there is no place for racist language in our courtrooms.” “These comments are […]

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Phil Hogan Pandering to Prejudice

Pavee Point is dismayed at the comments attributed to Minister Phil Hogan in relation to the housing of the McCarthy family in Bonnettstown, Kilkenny. We believe all politicians and in particular a Minister for the Environment who is responsible for housing and accommodation, including for Travellers, need to show leadership and not to pander to […]

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Statement: Greenacres servitude case in England

Pavee Point notes the conviction of people in England, charged with forcing destitute men into servitude and forced labour. We welcome the work done by the police in prosecuting the case, and, as we did in September 2011 when the case emerged, we condemn utterly the activities of those responsible. Pavee Point is dedicated to […]

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Media Release: Pavee Point Celebrates Red Letter Day for Travellers

Irish Traveller organisation Pavee Point has much to cheer today, after watching staff member and Traveller sportsman John Collins carry the Olympic Torch through Dublin this morning. John, 23, is a keen Gaelic footballer and a Traveller representative on the Anti-Racism committee of the Gaelic Athletic Association.  Within Pavee Point he co-ordinates efforts on men’s […]

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Sulkies Racing Statement

Pavee Point has issued a statement on the issue of Sulkies Racing, subsequent to the publication online of footage online showing illegal and dangerous racing on a main road. 8 May 2012: Pavee Point is concerned that all the participants involved in the event filmed placed themselves, their animals and other road users in danger. […]

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Statement on Bareknuckle fighting videos

Pavee Point wishes to respond to comments made by a judge in a hearing yesterday (Wednesday 22 February 2012) in which he expressed the view that Traveller organisations should be more pro-active in tackling the issues of bareknuckle fighting and the promotion of bareknuckle fighting.  We are similarly concerned about the erroneous impression given in […]

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Statement on Marioara Rostas

Pavee Point Statement Jan 24 2012 Marioara Rostas Pavee Point would like to express deepest condolences to the family of Marioara Rostas.  The circumstances surrounding Marioara’s disappearance and death are extremely distressing. This tragic situation highlights concerns about risks faced by members of Roma communities and in particular Roma women, in Ireland.  Roma women are […]

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National Research exploring the experiences of Travellers using Drugs Services

This news release was made on 03 November 2011.  The report referred to is now available here: Presentation given at National Drugs Conference (2mb, PPTX) UPDATED:  Video on the research is now available below: Pavee Point: National research exploring the experiences of Travellers using drug services from Andy Osborn on Vimeo. Report: ‘National research exploring […]

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Pavee Point Statement on Dale Farm Eviction

This statement was released to media on the morning of 20 October 2011 Pavee Point notes reports of violence upon the eviction of the Dale Farm Travellers site in Essex.  We are concerned that the Essex Police has used heavy handed tactics, with reports of two people electrocuted using Tazers in controvention of the ACPO […]

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Statement: Slavery Investigations

Pavee Point is shocked and appalled by recent allegations of slavery against Travellers in the United Kingdom. Pavee Point is dedicated to the promotion of the Human Rights of all people – Pavee Point unequivocally condemns slavery, exploitation of vulnerable people and forced labour in all their forms, wherever, by whomever perpetrated and whenever they […]

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Pavee Point response to Dale Farm situation

Pavee Point wishes to state its solidarity with the Travellers facing enforced eviction from the Dale Farm site in Cray’s Hill, Essex. The Dale Farm Dispute is primarily a planning dispute, allowed to drag on for a decade.  This is deplorable, but the eviction of vulnerable people and children from their home of a decade […]

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Pavee Point Deplores School Ruling

NEWS RELEASE Pavee Point deplores school ruling Monday 25 July 2011 Released 3:00pm (Note that this is an amended release, updating facts and removing information for editors) Pavee Point Travellers’ Centre deplores the decision of Clonmel Circuit Court which overturned the determination of the Equality Tribunal that the Christian Brothers School in Clonmel had unnecessarily […]

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Older Travellers Need to get Bolder to Keep Active and Alive

Released to Media on 31 May 2011 ‘Older Travellers Need to get Bolder to Keep Active and Alive’ An event to celebrate older  Travellers’ contributions to the Traveller community and wider society today heard that life for older Travellers in Ireland has changed significantly. They have gone from travelling and living in tents on the […]

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Massive Cuts in Traveller Education Service are Discriminatory

Released to Media on 21 March 2011 To mark the International (UN) Day Against Racism (March 21st) the civil rights leader the Revd. Jesse Jackson launched the DVD ‘Pavee Parents Post Primary Concerns’ which is a resource for Traveller parents, students, teachers and policy makers. On this International Day Against Racism we need to acknowledge […]

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Joint Statement on Cuts to Traveller Education

This statement was made by the ITM, National Traveller Women’s Forum and Pavee Point Travellers’ Centre Budgetary cuts in Traveller education are disproportionate compared to financial cutbacks of other mainstream educational cuts Support for Traveller Education Slashed while the Government Minister Mary Coughlan T.D. states that the Budget 2011 is ‘A budget that recognises the […]

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