2024 CAO Application Deadline

Looking to start an undergraduate course in Higher Education? The Central Applications Office (CAO) processes these applications, and you have until the 1st February 2024 to apply. Online applications cost €45, but if you apply before 20th January at 5pm, there is a discounted fee of €30. Further information on fees and closing dates can […]

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Vacancy: Cavan Traveller Women’s Awareness Worker

Cavan Traveller Movement and Pavee Point Traveller and Roma Centre would like to recruit a Traveller Women’s Awareness Worker for a peer-led project in relation to domestic and sexual violence. The Traveller Women’s Awareness Worker will work to raise awareness regarding domestic and sexual violence with the Traveller community. They will also work with services […]

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Traveller Cookbook launched for Healthy Eating

Pavee Point was delighted to be part of the project and launch of ‘Pavee Peck’ today – a Traveller cookbook.  This cookbook is a creation from the memories of seventeen Traveller women which showcases the healthy meals that were prepared without electricity and living on the side of the road.   Meeting at TravAct Coolock every […]

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16th UN Forum on Minority Issues

Pavee Point Chairperson Anastasia Crickely addressed the UN Forum on Minority Issues this weekend. She expressed our concern at the global upsurge in anti- minority racism and particularly by the recent far right ignited riots on the streets of Dublin . Ms. Crickley called on the Forum, the UN and member states to name and […]

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16th European Platform for Roma Inclusion

Martin Collins, Pavee Point Co Director attended the 16th European Platform for Roma Inclusion in Madrid this week. Discussions centred around accommodation and achieving desegragated accommodation for Roma, Travellers, Gypsies and Sinti. The event was organised by the Spanish Presidency of the Council of the European Union and the European Commission. Photo caption. Martin Collins, […]

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Workshops for Women on Political Engagement

Pavee Point has been working with National Traveller Women’s Forum on developing workshops for Traveller and Roma women on political/community engagement. A workshop in Tullamore took place this week and a roundtable will take plac ein Portlaoise on 6 December. The workshops looked at issues such as Using your voice and confidence building with Orlaith Carmody Getting involved in […]

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Non Discriminatory Policing

Pavee Point was delighted to be in Strasbourg this week for training to ‘Address racially motivated crimes against Roma, Sinti and Travellers: towards effective and non-discriminatory policing’. Hugh Collins of our Education Team and Thomas McCarthy of our Drug and Alcohol Programme took part in the training along with Roma and Sinti counterparts. The OSCE/ODIHR and […]

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Roma Healthy Heart Day

Thanks to everyone who attended our Roma Healthy Heart Day this week at Pavee Point.  It was a difficult week for the Roma community, and other minority ethnic groups, given last week’s violence fuelled by the far right in pursuit of a racist agenda.  This left many Roma feeling frightened and vulnerable. Our event was […]

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Relationship Abuse focus of Pavee Point 16 Days Event

Pavee Point’s Violence against Women (VAW) Programme marked the 16-Days of Activism against Gender-based Violence by hosting an event to raise awareness of relationship abuse. This event was for Travellers and also raised awareness on services and supports available in their local areas. This event was done in partnership with Mary Hayes from Women’s Aid’s Too […]

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Documentary on Traveller Suicide a Call to Action

The documentary ‘Patrick A Young Traveller Lost’, shown on RTE One, was a hugely sad and solemn call for the urgent action needed to improve Traveller mental health.  It is also a testament to people’s courage and to the resilience within the Traveller community. Improving Traveller mental health means improving Traveller life overall.   Mental […]

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Statement on Attack and Riots in Dublin

All in Pavee Point are horrified by the brutal attack on children and their carer in Dublin yesterday outside a school close to our base. Our prayers and thoughts are with them and their families and the whole school community. We are horrified by the violence which followed fuelled by the far right in pursuit […]

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Tinsmith Can part of Andy Warhol Exhibition at Hugh Lane

A Pavee Point group went to see the Traveller tinsmith can that is part of the ‘Andy Warhol Three Times Out’ exhibition at the Hugh Lane Gallery, Dublin. The tin can and jug were made as part of a workshop with tinsmiths Tom McDonnell and James Collins prior to the exhibition.  James and Tom made […]

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Appetite for Action at Education and Training Roundtable

Pavee Point was very happy today to host our second annual roundtable on education and training.   It was great to have people working in a range of education settings from Early Years to Third Level and Further Education as well as Traveller organisations from Donegal, Kilkenny, Limerick, Tipperary as well as Dublin attend.  There was […]

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Traveller & Roma Women Continue to Experience Discrimination in Services Around Gender Based Violence – Council of Europe

Pavee Point welcomes the first report on Ireland from the Council of Europe’s expert committee on Violence Against Women, (GREVIO) published yesterday on 13th November. The report echoes Pavee Point’s concerns that Traveller and Roma women’s experiences and needs are not sufficiently taken into account in current mechanisms and responses to gender based violence (GBV).  […]

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Roundtable on Education & Training – 22 November

Please see the agenda for our Roundtable on Education & Training. To book, please email tracey.reilly@pavee.ie. AGENDA 10.00 am – Registration – Tea and Coffee 10.30am – Welcome, Introduction to the Day, Opening Remarks Tracey Reilly, Pavee Point Anastasia Crickley, Chairperson Pavee Point 10.40am – Senator Eileen Flynn addresses the meeting 10.45am – Traveller and […]

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Donegal’s Musical Dohertys at Pavee Point

People got a real feel for Donegal’s Musical Doherty’s thanks to the in-depth talk by Rab Cherry of Donegal Fiddle Music who presented at Pavee Point this week.  And thanks to those who attended and who travelled to be at the event especially Donegal Traveller Project. The talk, based on the family tree of Doherty […]

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Vacancy: Traveller Health Programme Coordinator

Are you committed to and experienced in working for human rights, particularly in health access, participation, and outcomes for marginalized or minority groups? Are you experienced in coordinating and leading policy, developing and overseeing innovative initiatives? Pavee Point invites you to lead the work of our large and dynamic Traveller Health Programme! See full job description here. Application […]

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Celebrating Recovery from Addiction

Celebrating recovery from addiction was the main theme of our ‘Pavee Celebration of Recovery’ event this week. (Photo: Speakers John Connors and Ann Marie Sweeney) Travellers in recovery from addiction gave powerful testimonies of their experiences.  Their stories were inspiring, and their experiences showed that trauma was at the root cause of their addiction, but […]

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