Traveller and Roma Education

Pavee Point’s Education Programme is delighted to announce the availability of two new reports and a short note on associated issues. Report of Pavee Point Travellers and Roma in Education and Training Workshop Nov 22 2023   Travellers and Roma in Education and Training – Overview of Provision and Training  Short Note on Traveller and […]

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Action Plan on Bullying

Pavee Point took part in today’s Department of Education’s consultation with Traveller organisations on its Anti-Bullying Action Plan.   “It’s important the the Traveller voice is heard and Pavee Point called for data by ethnicity on racist bullying to be collected in schools and analysed and used to make positive changes,” said Education Worker, Tracey Reilly. […]

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Funding Higher Education – Our Response

Pavee Point welcomes today’s announcement of ‘Funding the Future” – the Department’s new policy on funding Higher Education and Reducing the Cost of Education – launched by the Minister for Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Science, Simon Harris, TD.  “We welcome the Minister’s commitment to change and review higher education access. Traveller education […]

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Ministers Address Traveller & Roma Education Forum

Pavee Point would like to thank the participants who took part in our Traveller and Roma Education forum. This forum was a follow up to the forum we held last year in the context of the COVID19 pandemic.  Useful and important points were raised by the 60 or so participants and we will be working […]

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Transforming Traveller Education

Our work in promoting Traveller education received a significant boost today with an award from The Equality Fund. Equality Fund Award for Education Project Support from The Equality Fund will enable us to raise issues of education discrmination – made worse by #Covid19 – and the need for a Traveller Education Strategy. Traveller woman Tracey […]

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Focus on Discrimination Against Roma in School Systems

Pavee Point’s Roma Programme highlighted key barriers to Roma education this week at a DCU webinar on empowering Roma in education. Jenny Liston Roma Programme Co Ordinator and Gabi Muntean, Roma Community Development Worker spoke about Racism and discrimination Experiences of poverty and poor living conditions Educational disadvantage across many generations “Pavee Point believes firmly […]

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Support for Traveller Parents while schools are closed

The Department of Education has produced a Traveller specific video (3 mins) offering information and guidance while schools are closed. The Tusla Education Support Service is also there to help parents. See below contacts for Education Welfare Officers who can help for non-Deis schools. Write caption…

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Ringfenced Funding for Travellers and Higher Education

Pavee Point welcomes new ringfenced funding of €300,000 as providing essential supports for Travellers for the transfer to and progression in higher education. These supports were among key issues that we raised with the Minister Harris during the summer. This fund also recognises the need to mitigate the way in which COVID19 has reinforced Traveller […]

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Report Card 2020

The Irish Government was awarded a ‘D’ in terms of Traveller and Roma Children in Report Card 2020. As members of the Children’s Rights Alliance (CRA), Pavee Point echos the CRA call for the recommendations of the Independent Expert Group on Traveller Accommodation to be implemented Tanya Ward, Chief Executive, Children’s Rights Alliance – “The […]

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Congrats on PhD to Rosaleen McDonagh

Huge congratulations to Rosaleen McDonagh on being conferred with her PhD from Newcastle University of Northumbria in Newcastle today. Rosaleen, who is a Trinity College graduate, achieved her PhD “From Shame to Pride, The Politics of Disabled Traveller Identity” from the Department of Health and Life Sciences at the university. Here she is pictured with […]

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Leadership and investment needed in Traveller Education

Pavee Point Traveller and Roma centre were part of a delegation that presented to an Oireachtas Commitee this week on Education. In speaking to the Amazon Aktien Kaufen committee Martin Collins said stronger leadership and investment by the Department of Education and Skills is required to support long-term sustainable initiatives in order to ensure positiveoutcomes […]

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Traveller Education Bill Passes Seanad

The Traveller History and Culture in Education Bill passed its final stage in Seanad Eireann and Education Minister Joe McHugh, TD will now bring the Bill forward to Dáil Eireann. “This is really important for equality in our society, “ said Pavee Point Co Director, Martin Collins, “Both Traveller students and students from the majority […]

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