Call for Ministers to address NGO key COVID-19 Concerns

Pavee Point, as part of the COVID-19 NGO Group, have written to Ministers Pascal Donohoe, Michael McGrath and Joe O Brien to call for action on two key concerns – income adequacy and the need for targeted resources to support and build the resilience of already marginalised communities during and after this crisis.

We are calling for benchmarking of welfare supports at a level which lifts people above the poverty line and provides them with a Minimum Essential Standard of Living (MESL).

We are also calling for additional resources to be allocated to community development groups working with the most disadvantaged communities through the re-introduction of a multi-annual programme to support local autonomous community development organisations

The role and expertise of local and national NGOs working with disadvantaged communities needs to be recognised. Their role to date in shaping national and local responses has been invaluable. It is our view that these NGOs must be represented at all decision-making levels to ensure that the needs of the communities they represent remain to the fore and effective responses can be developed.

The COVID-19 NGO Group is facilitated by Community Work Ireland and consists of:

Belong To • City Wide Drugs Crisis Campaign • Community Work Ireland • Dublin City Community Cooperative • Dublin North North East Recovery College • European Anti-Poverty Network Ireland • Independent Living Movement Ireland • Irish Council for Civil Liberties • Irish Local Development Network • Irish National Organisation of the Unemployed • Irish Refugee Council • Migrant Rights Centre Ireland • National Collective of Community Based Women’s Networks • National Women’s Council of Ireland • National Youth Council of Ireland • One Family • Pavee Point Traveller and Roma Centre • Simon Communities of Ireland • West Clare Family Resource Centre