Speaking on Rathkeale Violence

Martin Collins, Co Director Pavee Point has condemned recent incidences of violence on the streets of Rathkeale. He was speaking on RTE’s Drivetime today. “The scenes were absolutely horrific and this is not acceptable,” he said. Mr Collins also called for a ‘careful, calm and considered response’ to the situation and said all the information […]

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New Report on NTRIS

Pavee Point has produced the first of a series of reports, published by the European Commission, on new National Traveller & Roma Inclusion Strategies 2021 – 2025. Ireland was due to review its current NTRIS by 2021 but this review has been delayed. In our report Pavee Point urges the Department of Children, Equality, Disability, […]

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Ronnie Fay – the Road Less Travelled

Today family, colleagues and friends of Ronnie Fay gathered at Farmleigh House in Dublin to pay heartfelt tribute to Ronnie’s work with Pavee Point Traveller & Roma Centre,  the wider community sector and to human rights and equality work generally in Ireland over almost 40 years.  In opening the tributes at the event entitled ‘The […]

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Human Rights Day 10 December

As we head into the 2023 and celebrating the 75th Anniversary of Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Travellers and Traveller organisations can celebrate significant progress in combatting racism and discrimination.  In recent times we have welcomed the recognition of Traveller ethnicity – a milestone in the fight against racism.  We have equality legislation and a Traveller […]

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Pavee Point met with An Taoiseach, Michael Martin TD this week to discuss the best ways forward to deliver on equality for Travellers and Roma.

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Human Rights Commission invokes powers on Traveller accommodation

Pavee Point Traveller & Roma Centre welcomes today’s announcement by the Irish Human Rights & Equality Commission (the Commission) that it is invoking its legal powers to invite 7 local authorities to prepare and implement Equality Action Plans on Traveller Accommodation. “This is a very welcome step by the Commission,” said Pavee Point Co Director, […]

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#16 Days of Action Event

Pavee Point spoke up for better implementation structures and more focus on minority needs – including Travellers and Roma  – at today’s launch of a report monitoring Ireland’s performance on domestic and gender based violence under the Istanbul Convention. Speaking at the 16 Days of Activism event our Violence Against Women Community Development Worker Megan Berry […]

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UN Forum on Minority Issues

Pavee Point spoke at the UN Forum on Minority Issues this week in Geneva. Gabi Muntean of our Roma Programme  acknowledged the progress made on the 30th anniversary of the UN Declaration on Minorities but highlighted key challenges. “Our work as Minority Rights Defenders remains crucial, as we continue to face significant challenges in the […]

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National Traveller Health Action Plan Launched

Pavee Point Traveller & Roma Centre welcomes today the long- awaited publication of the National Traveller Health Action Plan. Pavee Point, alongside other Traveller organisations, has been actively advocating for a National Traveller Health Action plan over the last 12 years and we believe it is vital in order to address Traveller health inequalities. “This […]

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Traveller Mapping Coolock Goes Digital

The Traveller Mapping Coolock Digital Storymap was launched at Maynooth University during Geography Awareness Week in November 2022. The project results from a collaboration with the Traveller organisations Pavee Point and TravAct and Maynooth Geography. This digital storymap maps out Travellers experiences – positive and negative –  in  Coolock over generations and the tells the […]

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Education Roundtable on Further Education and Training

Pavee Point was delighted to host a round table to share information on barriers facing Travellers and Roma in Further Education and Training and how to overcome them. There was a good turn out both from Traveller organisations and education provider and support workers. Thank you to everyone for their dynamic participation and engagement and […]

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Launch of National Traveller Health Action Plan

This launch will be taking place on Monday week and we are very hopeful this plan will have a significant positive impact on Traveller health inequalities. Travellers, local Traveller organisations, Traveller Primary Health Care Projects and others have all fought hard to lobby for an action plan to address Traveller health inequalities since the All […]

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New Research on the experience of LGBTI+ Travellers and Roma

New research, commissioned by the National Action Group for LGBT+ Traveller and Roma Rights, shows that Travellers and Roma experience the same mental health issues as the general LGBTI+ population – but at a higher rate. By far the most frequently reported negative experience was being verbally hurt – with just over 40% of participants […]

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Launch of Young Pavees ‘Mind Your Nuck’: A New Mental Health Website for Young Travellers

Minister for Mental Health and Older People Mary Butler TD, launched the new Young Pavees ‘Mind Your Nuck’ website today. This innovative platform offers culturally appropriate information on many areas impacting on young Travellers’ mental health – racism, discrimination, drug issues and unemployment – and offers signposting to services.   Pa Reilly, Pavee Point Mental Health Coordinator, chaired the […]

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Solidarity at Galway Protest Against Racist Statements

Galway Traveller Movement and allies protested this week at unacceptable anti-Traveller comments were from Fianna Fáil Cllr. Michael Crowe on the Galway Bay FM on the morning of the 26th of September. GTM are calling for Cllr Crowe to be suspended pending a full investigation by Fianna Fáil. Pavee Point salutes and stands in solidarity […]

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World Mental Health Day

Today is #WorldMentalHealthDay2022 and we salute everyone working to raise awareness on the mental health crisis within the Traveller community. Research shows that Travellers experience worse outcomes in health and experience a suicide rate that is 7 times the national average. The well-being of the Traveller community is of utmost importance, and addressing mental health […]

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Ten New Posts to Tackle Traveller & Roma Education Disadvantage

Pavee Point welcomes education funding announced this week that will see the introduction of initiatives to drive better outcomes for Traveller and Roma students.  Under the 2022 Dormant Accounts Fund Action Plan, the Department of Education received €400,000 to tackle education disadvantage for Traveller and Roma communities and to support attendance, participation and retention among […]

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Award for Breastfeeding Booklet

Geraldine McDonnell and Mary Collins took part in an event organised by Maynooth University Motherhood Project this week to celebrate #nationalbreastfeedingweek. They were delighted to accept a Friends of Breastfeeding Award for an information booklet on breastfeeding for Traveller mothers developed by Pavee Point’s #PaveeMothers project https://paveemothers.ie/feeding/ Photo : (LtoR)Dr Ciara Bradley from the Dept […]

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