Today 16 May We Celebrate Romani Resistance Day

Gabi Mutean, Community Development Worker talks about Roma Resistance Day “We commemorate the uprisings at the Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp of Roma prisoners.  The SS came to the Gypsy Camp to send all the prisoners to the gas chamber . “The Roma prisoners armed themselves with stones and tools and barricaded themselves in the barracks so […]

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Mental Health during COVID19

Pavee Point highlighted mental health inequalities for Travellers and the impact of COVID19 on Travellers mental health at a conference with policy makers on mental health yesterday. We outlined our concerns around an increase in racism and discrimination towards Travellers and Roma during this time.   “We are worried about the further impact that this will have on […]

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5K Challenge for HSE Heroes

Traveller men in North Dublin are taking advantage of this week’s 5k travel limit to raise funds for HSE Heroes – not only keeps you physically fit but helps keep you mentally fit as well say Michael Collins, Men’s Health Worker with the Traveller Health Unit as he launches the challenge on Facebook

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World Maternal Mental Health Awareness Week (4th – 10th May)

More than 1 in 10 women worldwide experience mental health issues during and after pregnancy.  We know Traveller women are disproportionately affected by poor mental health and suicide so it’s really important to support Traveller women during this time.  Pregnancy affects different women in different ways, both physically and emotionally and these are challenging times for […]

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Traveller Community Health Workers During COVID-19

Traveller Community Health Workers act as liaison between the Traveller community and health service providers. During COVID-19 their work is vital in mitigating the impact of the virus. “It’s important to build up trust with the Traveller families you work with,” says Nancy Collins, “That way when it comes to a crisis like this one, […]

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Poetry Day Ireland

On Poetry Day (30 April) we are reproducing a poem ‘The Lane’ by Traveller poet Helen Hutchinson. Photo: Helen Hutchinson reading her poetry at the Lived Lives exhibition, Pavee Point 2015. Photo by Derek Speirs.

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Dear Ireland – COVID19 Postcard from Rosaleen McDonagh

Playwright Rosaleen McDonagh is among 100 writers asked to participate in The Abbey Theatre – Dear Ireland – theatrical postcards during COVID19.  These are rapid response monologues written and recorded in self-isolation and are The Abbey Theatre’s way of supporting theatre during this crisis while also capturing this moment in our history.  Rosaleen’s piece will […]

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COVID19 – Human Rights Assessment Needed

Pavee Point today joined with other human rights organisations to highlight the need for a human rights response during COVID19. This arises out of our concerns for communities and people who have been particularly affected both by the virus itself and/or by the new emergency regulations. A rights-based response requires an approach that prioritises protecting […]

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Complaint lodged against Channel 4 in relation to Dispatches Programme

Pavee Point Traveller and Roma Centre today lodged an official complaint with OFCOM, the UK Broadcast regulator in relation to Channel 4’s Dispatches programme which was broadcast on 16th of April. Our complaint outlines the reasons why this programme is irresponsible, discriminatory against Travellers and promotes negative stereotypes that feed into hate speech and possibly […]

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Physical Distancing at Funerals

We appreciate how difficult funerals are for families and communities at this time but here we see some good examples of maintaining social distance during a Traveller funeral in Dublin today.  We all need to work harder at staying safe and we are working closely with the HSE, Traveller communities and organisations and  An Garda Síochána to support people […]

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Funerals during COVID-19

Statement Released: 17th April, 2020 Traveller organisations around the country are calling on Travellers to fully adhere to COVID-19 public health measures, including restrictions on funerals.  In this way people can show the deceased the respect and dignity they deserve. Both the Government and the Catholic Church have stated that only immediate family members – up […]

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Solidarity on International Traveller & Roma Day 2020

As we go through this Covid19/Coronavirus crisis, thank you for your show of solidarity with Travellers and Roma on Wednesday 8th of April – International Traveller & Roma Day. This crisis presents extra challenges for many Travellers and Roma who live in already vulnerable situations in cities and in rural settings around the country. Overcrowding […]

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Emergency law protects Travellers from eviction

Pavee Point Traveller & Roma Centre is happy to let you know that all Travellers, currently resident in any location, will not be evicted during the COVID-19 crisis. This protects Travellers living on the side of the road or Travellers doubling up on sites. This is something Pavee Point had raised with the Minister for […]

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COVID-19 Information Resources

Please find here some useful resources in communicating with Travellers and Roma in relation to Coronavirus (COVID-19) Traveller Mental Health Supports COVID-19 Traveller Specific COVID-19 Information Leaflet Traveller Specific Video Information video in Romanian Health Service Executive (HSE) Information on Covid-19 Posters in Romanian Handwashing Video in Romanian Health Services Nearest You – Useful Links Domestic Violence […]

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International Day Against Racism 2020 –

Letter from our Chairperson, Anastasia Crickley: Dear Friends, At this very difficult time, as someone who has had the honour of working with a number of you, I want on today International Day against Racism – to salute the courage and commitment with which you’ve struggled in so many different ways to create conditions for […]

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Concerns for vulnerable Travellers being taken on board by Government in plan to fight COVID-19

Pavee Point Traveller & Roma Centre welcomes today’s announcement by the Department of Housing that directors of housing in local authorities are being asked to take measures that acknowledge the particular challenges that the Traveller community face in staying safe from Coronavirus (COVID-19). “Government willingness to respond to the particular needs of Travellers is encouraging […]

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Happy International Women’s Day 2020

On International Women’s Day 2020 President Michael D. Higgins’ highlights exclusion of Traveller and Roma women. Read our submission to Citizen’s Assembly on Gender Equality, March 2020 Please find our response to and submissions to the National Women’s Strategy 2017 -2020 Also find our submission to the UN Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination Against […]

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Report Card 2020

The Irish Government was awarded a ‘D’ in terms of Traveller and Roma Children in Report Card 2020. As members of the Children’s Rights Alliance (CRA), Pavee Point echos the CRA call for the recommendations of the Independent Expert Group on Traveller Accommodation to be implemented Tanya Ward, Chief Executive, Children’s Rights Alliance – “The […]

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