International Overdose Awareness Day 2020

Paddy, Peer Support Worker on Pavee Point’s Drug & Alcohol Programme talks about the importance of raising awareness in the #Traveller community on how to prevent overdose. For more information see Podcast from SUDS (Service Users Developing Solidarity) Podcast here with Richie and Owen speaking to Dr. Denis O Driscoll

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Traveller tinsmithing part of National Heritage Week 2020

The craft of Traveller tinsmithing is being highlighted as part of National Heritage Week 2020. The National Heritage Week website features two videos on the craft. The Pavee Point video shows a recent initiative to pass on the skills of tinsmithing. The second video from the National Museum of Ireland features footage from the 1960s […]

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Roma Genocide Remembrance Day – 2August

We are conducting on online commemoration of  Roma Genocide Remembrance Day, 2nd August. Gabi Muntean of our Roma Programme writes below: Today is the day we remember. We remember the 3,000 Roma, including children, who were murdered in the gas chambers of Auschwitz-Birkenau on the 2nd of August, 1944. We remember the Roma who were shot, […]

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Role of Social Workers in Traveller accommodation

A collective submission to Review of Social Workers by Traveller organisations welcomes this review of the role of social workers in relation to the provision of accommodation by local authorities for Travellers. A recommendation is that social work, as in the provision of other services, should be delivered on the basis of identified need and […]

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Pavee 50808 – a mental health support text line for young Travellers

PAVEE 50808 is a free, 24/7, national, anonymous mental health support text line for young Travellers in Ireland. Irish Travellers experience mental health inequalities and there is a need for targeted and mainstream measures to address this – particularly with younger Travellers. Pavee Point Traveller & Roma Centre has worked in partnership with the HSE […]

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Report Published on COVID-19 and Traveller and Roma Higher Education

Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, Pavee Point has raised its concerns at the impact of COVID-19 measures on Traveller and Roma transfer to and progress within higher education. Pavee Point and the National Traveller Women’s Forum wrote to the then Minister for Education and Skills, Joe McHugh, TD and we co-hosted an education […]

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Historic Appointment of Irish Traveller To Seanad Eireann

Pavee Point Traveller & Roma Centre is delighted to welcome the historic first-time appointment of an Irish Traveller to Seanad Eireann.  Congratulations to Eileen Flynn. She is a Traveller woman committed to Traveller rights, community work and feminism and her appointment to Seanad Eireann will benefit an intersection of people and we wish her the best […]

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15 Years in Dublin Pride – See You in Virtual Pride Parade

To celebrate 15 years in Dublin Pride and working to support LGBTQ Travellers and Roma – Rosaleen McDonagh, Traveller woman with a disability, playwright and Commissioner to the Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission takes a look back: A Certain Kind of Pride There has always been gay Travellers. We all knew of somebody who […]

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Travellers and Roma Need Real Change to Delivered by the Next Goverment

Pavee Point welcomes many of the commitments regarding Travellers and Roma outlined in a draft Programme for Government agreed and published today –  but highlights the challenges of implementation. “The Coronavirus pandemic has shown that we can achieve things that previously seemed impossible,” said Ronnie Fay, Co Director Pavee Point Traveller & Roma Centre.  “Travellers […]

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Traveller Organisations Say the Time for Action on Racism is Now

Joint statement from Pavee Point Traveller and Roma Centre, Irish Traveller Movement, National Traveller Women’s Forum,  Minceirs Whiden,Exchange House Ireland, Involve, The Parish of the Travelling People,  Traveller Mediation Service, Traveller Counselling Service and National Traveller MABS:   We as Traveller organisations are outraged by the death in police custody of George Floyd and by the ongoing responses of his country’s leadership. We express […]

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Solidarity and Condolences on the Death of George Floyd

Pavee Point Traveller & Roma Centre stands in solidarity with all who are outraged by the death of George Floyd. In particular, we want to express our condolences and solidarity with his family, to members of his community in Minneapolis, Minnesota and to all who assert, as we do, that Black Lives Matter. “This should […]

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