Welcome for progress on new hate crime and hate speech laws

Pavee Point Traveller and  Roma Centre welcomes today’s launch, by the Department of Justice, of consultation findings in relation to hate crime and hate speech in Ireland and the announcement there will be new laws early next year. “We have been saying for a long time that there is a need for new laws that […]

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New Leaflet on Covid-19 and Babies

We know lots of Traveller women are very worried about themselves and their babies during this time. This leaflet has some information and key steps you can take to keep yourself and your baby safe. All info here.

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International Human Rights Day December 10th 2020

We in Pavee Point salute today all who struggle everywhere to have their rights vindicated and those who work with and support them. We particularly salute the Roma and Travellers throughout the world and symbolically join with their struggles for rights realisation. As a human rights organisation committed to collective progress in rights realisation for […]

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#16Days Action Against Domestic Violence

This year has been a tough year for many, especially those who experience domestic and sexual violence. Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, we have seen an increase in domestic and sexual violence around the world and in Ireland. Safe Ireland’s report, “Tracking the Shadow Pandemic” found that 1,970 women and 411 children received support from […]

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Ringfenced Funding for Travellers and Higher Education

Pavee Point welcomes new ringfenced funding of €300,000 as providing essential supports for Travellers for the transfer to and progression in higher education. These supports were among key issues that we raised with the Minister Harris during the summer. This fund also recognises the need to mitigate the way in which COVID19 has reinforced Traveller […]

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EU Ups the Game on Equality for Travellers and Roma

Pavee Point welcomes today’s launch of the new EU Strategic Framework for Equality, Inclusion Participation of Travellers and Roma in the EU. “This new EU Framework gives us a reality check on equality to date and pushes for real improvements in living conditions and participation,” said Martin Collins, Pavee Point Co Director. The new Framework […]

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Fergus McCabe – A Tribute

By Anastasia Crickley, Chairperson, Pavee Point As for many others, news of Fergus’s death brought to mind his groundbreaking work and its ongoing implications for the people of the North Inner City of Dublin and far beyond, as well as his national contributions and solidarity with other causes. Fergus was on e of the group […]

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Mind the Minders – World Mental Health Week

Traveller Community Health Workers work hard to keep us all in the Traveller Community safe and well. For World Mental Health Week we are highlighting that it’s important that our minders mind themselves. Pavee Point has produced a new leaflet with advice for the workers in 27 Traveller Primary Health Care Projects around the country.

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Call for Ministers to address NGO key COVID-19 Concerns

Pavee Point, as part of the COVID-19 NGO Group, have written to Ministers Pascal Donohoe, Michael McGrath and Joe O Brien to call for action on two key concerns – income adequacy and the need for targeted resources to support and build the resilience of already marginalised communities during and after this crisis. We are […]

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Word Mental Health Week 5-9 October

World Mental Health Week starts today and wellbeing is just as important for older Travellers as at any other time of life. We have developed a set of postcards with tips for older Travellers on how our Auld Pavees can mind their mental health. The theme for this week is ‘Mental Health for All – Greater […]

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Celebrating National Breastfeeding Week

This is National Breastfeeding Week and we want to encourage more Traveller women to breastfeed. Breastfeeding 1. helps build your baby’s immunity 2. is easier on your baby’s stomach 3. helps build the mother and baby bond Find out as much as you can about breastfeeding and get the supports you need. There is still […]

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Aboriginal Australian and Traveller Mental Health Webinar

Over 200 people tuned in for Pavee Point’s webinar on the impacts of racism on mental health delivered by Australian Professor at Deakin Univesity, Yin Paradies for World Mental Health Day on 8th October 2020. Professor Paradies talked about the experience of Aboriginal Australians which echoes the experience of Irish Travellers. He said studies showed […]

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#Sustainable Goals Action Day

Five years ago today the UN adopted the Sustainable Development Goals promising to leave no one behind and to progress the most marginalised first. Pavee Point calls on the Government to today renew commitments with firm timelines and resourced actions – especially to ensure a just recovery from COVID-19.  Wednesday’s publication of Fundamental Rights Agency report […]

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National Traveller Drug Network Meeting

Pavee Point’s Drug and Alcohol Programme hosted its second online National Traveller Drug Network meeting last week. The meeting covered a range of topics which included an input from Ms. Nicki Killeen- HSE Social Inclusion who presented on the emerging trend of use of Nitrous Oxide. There was also a presentation of an overview of the National Drug Treatment […]

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Webinar for World Suicide Prevention Day – 10th September

Pavee Point is part of Travellers Together Preventing Suicide and we are looking forward to this webinar on 10th September. Pavee Point Mental Health Worker, Pa Reilly will highlight the need to collect data, within a human rights framework, that includes information on ethnic group. Ethnic equality data provides evidence of any gaps in service […]

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