Traveller Pride 2021

On Monday , 20 September, Traveller Pride Week officially launched by Minister Roderic O’Gorman, TD Minister for Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth and there will be a panel discussion about the meaning of Traveller Pride Week. Traveller Pride Week 2021 runs from 20th September – 3rd October, a two week long celebration of Traveller […]

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Pavees Worried About Suicide – Leaflet About What You Can Do

On #WorldSuicidePreventionDay 2021 we are launching a comprehensive leaflet to help Travellers who may be worried about suicide and a loved one. “As Travellers we know that poor mental health and suicide is common in our community,” says Pavee Point Mental Health Worker Patrick Reilly. “Often people may not know what to do to help […]

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Poem by Traveller men part of #PoetryTown

‘Gloke’, the poem, will be read by Martin Reilly of Pavee Point’s Men’s Health Team at this Poetry Ireland event on 10 September to celebrate Dublin 1’s vibrancy and diversity. ‘Gloke’ is the result of a process of creative collaboration with Spoken Word poet Geoff Finan and facilitated Traveller men in expressing elements of their […]

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Travellers need targeted initiatives as part of Adult Literacy for Life

Pavee Point Traveller & Roma Centre welcomes the publication of today’s Adult Literacy For Life Strategy and is happy to have taken part in the consultations on the Strategy. Improving adult literacy is important for Irish Travellers. According to the All Ireland Traveller Health Study (AITHS) Self-report of literacy varies markedly between the Traveller and general […]

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Catch our Podcasts on Soundcloud

A podcast is an internet radio show presented using an mp3 audio files that can be listened to online by streaming, or using an app on your phone, tablet or computer. You can listen to Travellers and Roma talking about life in Ireland today. At Pavee Point audio recordings are also an important tool in […]

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#ResourceRebuildReform Mental Health Services

Pavee Point was very happy to support Mental Health Reform Budget 2022 campaign for €85 million investment in mental health services. MHF are calling for €20 million to maintain existing services and €65 million to develop new services that will drive change in the system. As Mental Health Reform members, Pavee Point is saying that […]

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Equality Review of Traveller Accommodation by IHREC

Pavee Point Traveller & Roma Centre welcomes today’s launch of the Irish Human Rights and  Equality Commission  Equality Review of local authority Traveller Accommodation Programmes. “This Equality Review highlights the importance of an intercultural approach to the provision of Traveller accommodation where Traveller culture and identity is respected,” said Ronnie Fay, Co Director, Pavee Point. […]

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Dublin Pride #CommunityFirst

Pavee Point is now in its 16th year of participation in Dublin Pride. We celebrate LGBT+ Traveller and Roma identities. ‘Community’ is the theme for this year’s pride and we talk to Traveller Community Development Worker, Tracey Reilly about the challenges and supports within the Traveller community.

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International Father’s Mental Health Day

We know that when expecting a new baby and in the first year after the birth – father’s can experience mental health difficulties too. Becoming a Dad is a massive change and can bring a lot of joy but also stress. With #Traveller men’s suicide rates 7 times higher than the general population it is […]

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Pavee Point with Eat the Streets!

Food and what we eat defines so much about us as people, our culture, our history, it helps create connections and nourishment and it shapes the cities we live in.  Pavee Point fed into this year’s Eat the Streets festival (excuse the pun) with Traveller women talking about some Traveller food traditions. Listen here to […]

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Pavee Point and launch of Heritage Week 21

Pavee Point was delighted to be part of the launch of #HeritageWeek21 thanks to our ‘Pavee Roads Home‘ project. Speaking at the launch Heritage Minister Malcolm Noonan, TD highlighted: “This year’s National Heritage Week, focuses on encouraging the inclusion of as many people as possible in exploring, sharing and enjoying Ireland’s diverse heritage. Chief Executive […]

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Return to Learning Programme for Traveller health professionals

Congratulations to 11 Traveller Health Workers completed a Maynooth University/HSE and Pavee Point Return to Learning Programme. This group had to deal with difficult #COVID19 circumstances – and also deal with internet and technology issues in the last year. Their achievement was celebrated online with participants giving moving insights and and encouragement for further programmes […]

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Ministers Address Traveller & Roma Education Forum

Pavee Point would like to thank the participants who took part in our Traveller and Roma Education forum. This forum was a follow up to the forum we held last year in the context of the COVID19 pandemic.  Useful and important points were raised by the 60 or so participants and we will be working […]

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Transforming Traveller Education

Our work in promoting Traveller education received a significant boost today with an award from The Equality Fund. Equality Fund Award for Education Project Support from The Equality Fund will enable us to raise issues of education discrmination – made worse by #Covid19 – and the need for a Traveller Education Strategy. Traveller woman Tracey […]

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