ALL Traveller Discrimination Cases should be heard at Workplace Commission


Pavee Point welcomes calls by legal rights organisation FLAC and the European Commission Against Racism and Intolerance (ECRI) for ALL Traveller discrimination cases to be heard at the new Workplace Relations Commission

The ECRI notes  in a new publication the establishment of Ireland’s new Workplace Relations Commission but says that the exclusion from the new body of Traveller complaints concerning discrimination by pubs and hotels means ECRI’s recommendation on this matter had also only been partially implemented. FLAC says that complaints of discrimination by licensed premises should be dealt with by the same independent, specialised body as all other complaints of discrimination.

Currently discrmination cases by puts and hotels are heard in the District Courts.

FLAC and the ECRI are also calling for for the Social Welfare Appeals Office to publish the results of social welfare appeals in relation to Habitual Residence Condition.  The condition is used to prevent social welfare payments to groups, including asylum seekers, based on ties to Ireland.  It can also effect Roma in Ireland.