Arts Culture Mapping

  • YEAR






Pavee Roads Home

Year: 2020

County: Dublin

Organised by: Pavee Point Traveller & Roma Centre

An exploration of Traveller culture and heritage told through the lens of history and geography.

Supported by Dublin City Culture Company and National Library and winner of National Heritage Award 2021

Funder: Dublin City Council

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This is Who I Am Exhibition

Year: 2019

County: Cork

Organised by: Glucksman Gallery

In May 2019, a group of talented teenagers from Meelagh Young Girls Group, Mahon visited the Glucksman to take part in a creative workshop exploring Traveller ethnicity. The girls worked together to create bags, posters and a large-scale painting that depicts the Traveller Ethnicity Pin.

Partner with UCC's Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Unit to promote and embed the principles of equality, diversity and inclusion across all areas of our work.

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Traveller Music at Cobblestone

Year: 2018

County: Dublin

Organised by: Blanchardstown Traveller Development Group

Concerts featuring Traveller musicians and singers

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Traveller Collection

Year: 2018

County: Dublin

Organised by: Pavee Point Traveller & Roma Centre

A 3-part art project in 2018 that aimed to show a way of integrating Traveller culture into mainstream museums and galleries

Pavee Point collaborated on this project with Seamus Nolan, Hugh Lane and Create.

Funder: Create, Funder: Hugh Lane Gallery

Artists: Seamus Nolan

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Communities of Culture

Year: 2014

County: Limerick

Organised by: Hunt Museum

In 2014 the Hunt Museum, through the Communities of Culture initiative began working with community groups from the North-side and South-side of Limerick. Exploring their unique cultural experiences and heritages through a series of targeted community and museum-based projects.

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One Million Stars

Year: 2014

County: Limerick

Organised by: Hunt Museum

People across Limerick were invited to join the online launch of The One Million Stars to End Violence Limerick Project on 8 March 2021 (International Women’s Day.)

Traveller Women Awareness Worker in Carlow was involved in this.

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Barreltop Wagon

Year: 2005

County: Cork

Organised by: Cork Traveller Women's Network

Full size Barreltop wagon as part of Cork European Capital of Culture

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Toraig on the Tobar

Year: 2005

County: Cork

Organised by: Cork Traveller Women's Network

Traveller culture exhibit in Cork Public Museum

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