Pavee Point welcomes reports tonight that the Taoiseach Enda Kenny is resolved to support calls for the formal recognition of Traveller ethnicity.

Recognition of Traveller ethnicity will be a major step forward for Travellers, cultural diversity and equality in Ireland – especially in the centenary year of a proclamation that promises to cherish all the children of the State equally.

With recognition of Traveller ethnicity Ireland can take its place beside the UK and Northern Ireland in recognising Travellers’ rightful status as a minority ethnic group.

At the same time this boosts our standing with the United Nations, the Council of Europe, the European Commission and other international organs who have been urging this move for some time.

“With the recognition of Traveller ethnicity we are acknowledging, as a State, respect for Traveller culture and identity. We are ensuring that Travellers can be proud of their heritage and look forward to a future that takes into account their cultural identity,” said Ronnie Fay , Director Pavee Point.

“This statement makes me proud to be Irish,” said Martin Collins, Director Pavee Point, “Finally our community will have the recognition we deserve. No longer will Travellers be looked upon as settled people gone wrong. We will have our rightful place in Irish society.”

“While we realise that recognition of Traveller ethnicity is not going to solve all the problems that Travellers face it is vital in terms of bringing Traveller inclusion to the fore front in service provision and policy implementation,” said Ms. Fay