Minister for Equality, Aodhan Ó Ríordáin presents Roma researchers with certificates as part of ground-breaking new research.

Minister for Equality, Aodhan Ó Ríordáin presents Roma researchers with certificates as part of ground-breaking new research

Ahead of International Roma and Traveller day on 8th April, 20 members of the Roma community were today awarded with certificates by Minister Ó Ríordáin for completing research training in Pavee Point.  These researchers are part of a new, ground-breaking piece of research on the Roma community in Ireland in which over 150 Roma households will be interviewed.

The national needs assessment of Roma is taking place on foot of the recommendation in the Logan report, following the removal of two Roma children from their families.  The assessment aims to capture the experiences of Roma in Ireland in accessing public services and to make recommendations across Government departments.  Pavee Point Traveller and Roma Centre have welcomed this research as a first step to identifying the experiences of Roma across services in Ireland and ensuring equality for Roma in accessing services.

“I am proud to work with my Roma colleagues on this project.  We know Roma are experiencing discrimination at an institutional and individual level and we have to acknowledge this is happening and monitor it in order to address it.  This research is a first step in gathering much needed data on the experiences of Roma in Ireland,” said Gabi Muntean, Roma community development worker, Pavee Point.

The presentation of certificates takes place ahead of International Roma and Traveller Day which takes place on 8 April.  This a day to celebrate the achievements of Travellers and Roma and also to highlight a legacy of racism and the human rights issues and endemic racism facing Travellers and Roma today.



Voice of the peer researchers

Delia Daniela – Dublin

“This training has been a great uplifting experience and I have learnt new skills.  I have trained with a really great group of Roma and I’m very happy to be part of the first group of Roma peer researchers in Ireland.  I want to be part of making this change happen for Roma in Ireland, if not for me for the future.”

Gina Cirpaci – Tralee

“I am very glad to be part of this research because I want Roma to have our voices heard at the highest levels.  We have to tackle discrimination.  We want to be seen as human beings and not by our stereotypes.”

Julias Fako – Ennis

“I think it’s important that we are shown in a better light.  I hope this research will improve things for our community so that we don’t have to hide who we are.  We want to contribute to Irish society – this is our home.”

Lydia BujorDublin

“This is the first time the Government have done research like this and we have a chance to be heard.  This is a big step for us, a huge step.  I hope with all my heart for problems faced by Roma to be solved.”