Easter Celebrations with the Parent Child Home Programme

Easter Celebrations with the Parent Child Home Programme

Families from the Pavee Point Parent Child Home Programme (PCHP) attended Easter celebrations in the IFSC, Dublin on Thursday 26 March.

The event was organised by the Early Learning Initiative in the National College of Ireland for PCHP families from Inchicore, Docklands and the Finglas area.

Currently there are 10 Traveller families and three Traveller Home Visitors involved in the Parent Child Home Programme in the Finglas area. The two year programme works with children aged from 18 months – 3 years to boost their learning and make sure they are ready to start to school.

A Home Visitor visits each family twice a week for about 30 minutes. Each week the Home Visitor brings a new book or toy which the child gets to keep. The Home Visitor models how to use books and toys to help your child learn. The programme is free for participating families.

This programme has discontinued.