Improving Health Outcomes for Travellers

In November 2014, the Pavee Point Health Programme instituted a series of health sessions on topical health issues to increase health awareness among Travellers and Roma. The health days aim to provide information to staff members in Pavee Point, with Traveller staff and community health workers sharing that information with their families and friends on sites as multipliers.

World Stroke Day
Each year, approximately 10,000 Irish people suffer a stroke and around 2,000 die. The 29th of October was World Stroke Day. To raise awareness on stroke, Pavee Point’s health team organised a blood pressure check session to make staff more aware of the risks of stroke. 15 Traveller and Roma staff members got their blood pressure checked. The health team also spoke about healthy food that keeps blood pressure down and the importance of exercise for a good ligfestyle. The Primary Health Care team took the message of the day out to the Traveller community to increase awareness of Stroke and healthy living.

Cancer/Movember Morning

November is the month for raising awareness for men’s cancer. November is also known all over the world as Movember where men grow a Mo (moustache) to raise awareness and money for men’s cancer. To mark the day, Pavee Point organised an information session and invited the Cancer Society of Ireland to do a presentation on cancer to Traveller and Roma members of staff. Members from the Eastern Region Traveller Health Network (ERTHN) were also in attendance on the day. Mary Briscoe, health nurse, spoke about Men’s cancers but also spoke about women’s cancer, focusing on how important healthy eating and exercise are. 34 people attended the health session.

Diabetes Day

The 14th of November was World Diabetes Day. To raise awareness about the dangers of Diabetes, Pavee Point held a Diabetes awareness day. 13 Travellers attended the information talk where they all had their sugar level checked and received information on Diabetes. A lot of Travellers are not aware of diabetes and the risk factors involved in its diagnosis.