Press Release – 28 June 2013 – Ireland receives shocking report card from Europe on Roma and Traveller Inclusion

The European Commission have released their assessment of European Roma strategies. These strategies have been developed under the EU Framework for National Roma Integration Strategies up to 2020 and are intended to make a real difference in the lives of Roma and Travellers. However, Ireland’s strategy will make little difference to the lives of Travellers and Roma. Out of twenty two criteria that are used to assess strategies, Ireland is deemed to have met only four.

“We are not surprised by the results of this assessment. Instead of the development of a progressive strategy on Roma and Traveller inclusion, we have seen disproportionate cuts in the Traveller community and exclusion of Roma in Ireland. We need the Government to prioritise Traveller and Roma inclusion in society and to work with Traveller organisations in making this happen,” said Ronnie Fay, Director of Pavee Point.

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