New Pavee Point Report: Roma Communities in Ireland and Child Protection Considerations.

A series of seminars organised by Pavee Point and the HSE, looking at the welfare of Roma children living in Ireland, have exposed serious child protection concerns for Roma children.  Many of these children are from families who are not entitled to any state supports and are living in poverty.

As the former commissioner for human rights of the Council of Europe, Thomas Hammarberg, has previously stated “In accordance with the case law of the Strasbourg Court, member states should ensure that no child is placed in institutional care solely on grounds relating to the poor housing conditions or financial situation of his or her family.”

“Poverty should not mean you are taken out of your culture.  Roma children belong in Roma families,” said Monika Makulova, Community Development Worker with the Roma Project in Pavee Point.

“Roma understand Roma, as Roma parents it is important that we have the support and resources to raise our children in our own culture.  We just need opportunities to play a part in Irish society.”

Click here to download the summary report (PDF)

Click here to download the full report (PDF)