17th European Platform for Traveller and Roma Inclusion

Last week, Pavee Point attended the 17th European Platform for Traveller and Roma Inclusion organised by the European Commission.

This year’s theme focused on Traveller and Roma Equality, Inclusion and Participation in Territorial Planning and Development. Martin Collins, Co-Director, facilitated a workshop on the important role of independent and autonomous Traveller and Roma organisations in promoting Traveller and Roma rights and equality.

“Civil Society Organisations play a valuable role informing, shaping and monitoring policy and its impact. This role must be recognised by EU Member States, including Ireland, and matched through collaboration with and resourcing of independent and autonomous Traveller and Roma organisations.” said Martin Collins.

The Platform also focused on core issues including the rise of the far-right across Europe and anti-Traveller and Roma racism and digital inclusion. This is in the context of a new European Commission which was announced recently, with the disappointing announcement that the portfolio of Equality would be downgraded compared to the previous mandate. Now more than ever it is important that the Commission’s own ambition vision for a “Union of Equality” means that equality is prioritised.