Arts and Culture Programme

In 2022 Pavee Point commenced a partnership with the Arts Council – Ireland’s development agency for the arts. 

The purpose of the partnership is to:

Develop a shared vision and programme of work that increases Traveller inclusion, visibility and participation in the arts in Ireland and supports and promotes the cultural contribution of Travellers and Traveller organisations in Irish society.


Through the development of a shared vision and programme of work we aim to: 

  • create conditions that support members of the Traveller community, in all their diversity, to engage in the arts as professional artists and as other arts workers, project participants / co-creators, audience members and volunteers
  • build on previous and current arts activity by Traveller organisations and support the future development of ambitious artistic practice 
  • promote mainstreaming and inclusion of Traveller arts and culture in cultural institutions, including the development of targeted measures 

Our Work

The work of this programme consists of:

  • Exploring mechanisms to ensure that Traveller / Traveller Organisations participation and leadership is key to processes for arts and cultural exchange, learning and training 
  • Scoping and mapping Traveller arts and cultural practice and provision nationally to address barriers to participation and highlight where positive change needs to happen 
  • Building linkages in terms of arts and cultural work happening with, by and for the Traveller community today, including developing a digital resource
  • Examining key international initiatives and good practice by Indigenous Peoples and minority ethnic groups in Europe, drawing learning from these initiatives and making recommendations for future work
  • Supporting and promoting current Traveller arts activity, where possible, by helping to provide expertise, contacts, structural support and information and communications
  • Working with arts and culture organisations and institutions to advocate for Traveller participation in mainstream and targeted initiatives and in policies



Arts and Culture Co Ordinator – Caoimhe McCabe –

Traveller Arts and Culture Worker – Martin P. Collins –