James McDonagh Speaks at the UN Day for the Eradication of Poverty

Wednesday 17th October was the UN Day for the Eradication of Poverty.  To mark this day people gathered at the famine memorial along the quays.  James McDonagh addressed the crowd and talked about the racism that Travellers and Roma experience in Ireland.  He emphasised how the issue of racism cannot be separated from the poverty that many Travellers and Roma experience.  He noted that many Roma in Ireland live in extreme poverty with a lack of access to employment and social protection. He also highlighted that the life expectancy for Traveller men in Ireland is 15 years lower than for settled men and the suicide rate for Travellers is six times higher than the national average.  He called for the Government to ensure the next budget is human rights proofed, as the previous budgets have impacted disproportionately on marginalised groups.  His clear message was that poverty and racism must end.