Traveller and Roma Education

Pavee Point’s Education Programme is delighted to announce the availability of two new reports and a short note on associated issues.

Report of Pavee Point Travellers and Roma in Education and Training Workshop Nov 22 2023


Short Note on Traveller and Roma Education Vision Issues and Actions

The reports and the associated short note will we hope be of value for all seeking to support and shape the National Traveller and Roma Education Strategy (TRES) announced by the Minister for Education in 2023 and for which crucial community consultations commence this week.
They were launched on Monday March 11th and are an account of the well-attended Pavee Point Roundtable on November 22nd 2023. At the Roundtable, a number of current and urgent Roma and Traveller Education issues were discussed, an overview of current data on Traveller and Roma involvement in education and training was given as well as a short note on a vision, issues and actions needed, which uses the report’s contents and ongoing Pavee Point work. We are very grateful to all who contributed to and participated in the Roundtable and the launch, to Dr Máirín Kenny for her work on the Overview and to the many who’s insights contributed to the short note on vision and some of what’s needed to achieve it.
The key issue now is realisation of Traveller and Roma education rights and equality of access participation and outcomes through the progress which the TRES needs to make possible. We look forward to working with all stakeholders to achieve this. Pavee Points Education Programme can be contacted through Stephanie McDermott (