Ethnic Equality Monitoring

Since 1993, Pavee Point has advocated for the collection of disaggregated data on the basis of ethnicity, inclusive of Travellers and Roma, within a human rights framework. This means there must be a universal question, which is answered voluntarily, and on the basis of self-identification, and that the collected data is aggregated and anonymised to avoid identification of specific individuals.
Data must only be used for the purpose for which it was collected, must be available in a timely manner and must be analysed in consultation with organisations representing minority ethnic groups.

The availability of accurate and timely data will contribute to increased awareness of inequality and the identification of appropriate target policies and interventions to eliminate identified disparities.

It is in this context that we have assumed a two-pronged approach in our work with Travellers, Roma and State actors to:
1. improve knowledge, capacity, skills and confidence among relevant State actors to implement, monitor and evaluate ethnic data in line with human rights standards.
2. build awareness among Traveller and Roma leaders about the importance of ethnic equality monitoring and the need to encourage communities to voluntarily self-identify in order to inform policy, prevent discrimination and promote equality of access, participation and outcomes.

We acknowledge that ethnic equality monitoring is not a simple solution to eradicate racism. Rather, it is a powerful instrument in the fight against racism and discrimination, equipping Traveller and Roma organisations with the necessary evidence to prove where racism and discrimination exists, particularly on institutional levels, and challenge the State to respond appropriately.