Specific Recommendation for Action on Traveller Drug Use from Citizens Assembly

Pavee Point welcomes the Citizens Assembly on Drugs Use report that acknowledges the disproportionate impact of drug use on Travellers.  

Recommendation 15 of the report names Travellers and states: “Holistic policy responses to drugs issues, including health, education, social protection, economic and criminal justice policy, should be designed on the basis of population needs, with targeted interventions and resources directed at those population cohorts with greatest need.”

Chairperson of the Citizen’s Assembly, Paul Reid also referred to Travellers as a vulnerable group who are particularly impacted by addiction and called for ‘real leadership at the highest level’ to ensure implementation of the report recommendations.

We also welcome Mr. Reid’s call for recommendations to be ‘rooted in a health-led system and move away from the criminalisation of addiction.’

Pavee Point Drug Alcohol Addiction Programme , along with the National Traveller Drug Network, successfully lobbied for the inclusion of Traveller issues at the Assembly and gave testimony of the devastating effects on families and the wider Traveller Community, in addition to providing the assembly with written and video submissions.

Full Citizen’s Assembly report here.

More information on Pavee Points DAAP here.

Photo: (LtoR) Pavee Point DAAP Co Ordinator Thomas McCarthy with John Collin, Pavee Point Men’s Health Worker.